The University of Michigan is fully committed to supporting its undergraduate students. To this end, the University offers numerous offices and services to assist students in their academic pursuits. However, students are expected to take charge of their education. If your student is having trouble academically, your student must take the initiative by seeking out the resources available to help. Some of the primary academic support resources for new students are also listed below.
- Comprehensive Studies Program
- Language Resource Center
- Math Lab
- Physics Help Room
- Science Learning Center
- Services for Students with Disabilities
- Sweetland Center for Writing
- University Library
Academic Advising
Academic Advisors are provided by the School or College in which your student is enrolled. The advisor may be a staff advisor or a faculty member. Your student will be assigned to an advisor at Orientation. After Orientation, your student may continue to meet with that same advisor or may request a different one.
Academic advising appointments allow students to spend time alone with the academic advisor to discuss individual interests and course selections. Academic advisors can also help students with academic planning and decision-making; refer students to other appropriate resources; and process necessary paperwork.
Some Schools/Colleges require students to see their advisors each term to discuss course selections. Other Schools/Colleges leave it up to the individual student to determine whether or not academic advising is needed. However, it is strongly recommended that even if it is not required, students should meet with an academic advisor once each term.
In addition to Academic Advisors, Academic Peer Advisors are students who work in the residence halls and are trained to provide academic information and assistance about some Schools/Colleges.
Academic Advising by School or College:
- Taubman College of Architecture & Urban Planning
- Stamps School of Art & Design
- Ross School of Business
- Dental Hygiene Program
- School of Education
- College of Engineering
- School of Information
- School of Kinesiology
- College of Literature, Science, and the Arts (LSA)
- LSA Residential College
- LSA Honors Program
- LSA Comprehensive Studies Program
- School of Music, Theatre, Dance (by department)
- School of Nursing
- College of Pharmacy
- School of Public Health
- Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy