Many parents find that students who hold part-time jobs while in college, not only have a little extra spending money, but also learn how to budget their time better and use their time more effectively. Throughout the campus and the community there are many different types of employment opportunities for your student. It is common for the campus to have more part-time jobs available than we have students to fill them!
Just about every office and department within the University hires students each year. These jobs are typically posted through the Student Employment Office. For some jobs, students must be participants in the Work-Study program (a type of financial aid program). For others, students do not need to be participants in the Work-Study program.
In addition, students will find many jobs right in the residence halls. From the dining halls to the community centers, University Housing hires thousands of students each year for some of the most convenient and flexible jobs on campus.
Job postings can also be found in the student newspaper, the Michigan Daily and the internet, as well as on flyers and advertisements in the residence halls and around campus. If there is an office or department that your student would like to work for, but nothing is 'posted,' encourage your student to call or stop by the office to inquire.